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The Community Fund is run by Parklife in collaboration with Manchester, Bury and Rochdale councils. It is the result of the festival’s approach to partnership working with the three local authorities and has made over £394,000 from the 2017-2024 festivals available for the benefit of community groups (priority is given to groups and projects that utilise parks and open spaces and / or work with young people).
The Parklife 2024 Community Fund generated £45,000 for community groups based around Heaton Park and specifically in the ward of Sedgley, Holyrood and St Mary’s (Bury), Higher Blackley and Crumpsall (Manchester) and South Middleton (Rochdale). The fund is raised from contributions made at the festival by guest-list attendees, and an additional £8,000 was raised through festival tickets being donated to various charities for raffles and auctions – taking the total amount raised for charitable causes from Parklife 2024 to just over £53,000.
The Parklife Community Fund is currently closed to new applications but will reopen for applications after this year's festival in September 2025.
Any questions, or for support and advice, please email communityfund@parklife.uk.com
2024 Community Fund Allocation
53 groups received funding from the 2024 Community Fund allocation of £45,000.
BURY: 34
8th Prestwich Scout Group, 22nd Bury Scout Hut, Bailey Street Bowling Green Association, Bury Lions, Creative Living Centre, Friends of Philips Park, Heaton Park Methodist Church, Jewel, Jewish Action for Mental Health (JAMH), Jewish Community Foundation Trust, Jigsaw (Bury), Langley Allotment Holders Association, L’Chaim Chabad Food Bank, Manchester Maccabi Community and Sports Club, Mumba, Neuro Kinetic Club, PADOS (Prestwich Amateur Dramatic and Operatic Society), Park View School PTA, Philips Park Barn, Prestwich Arts Festival, Prestwich Carnival, Prestwich Clough Centenary Group, Prestwich Cricket, Tennis and Bowling Club, Prestwich Environmental Forum, Prestwich Methodist Youth Association, Prestwich Pride, Prestwich Rooted , Prestwich Together, Prospect House, Spark Life Movement and Wellbeing CIC, St Andrews Church Carr Clough, St Margarets PTA, Sunflower Manchester, Urban Cycle Centre
Early Bird project, Heaton Park Astronomy group, Mama Amazing, Mcr Festival of Nature, Rock Fit, Woodland Management Group
105th Manchester Scout Group, Bee Safe Manchester, Blackley Cricket Club, Blackley FC, Cheetham Hill Sports Club, Friends of Crumpsall Park, Higher Blackley Community Centre, Manchester Youth Zone, Odr Hird, Prospect House School, The Friends of Blackley Forest
Friends of Alkrington Woods, GJ Fisheries
2023 Community Fund Allocation
50 groups received funding from the 2023 Parklife Community Fund allocation of £63,000.
BURY: 28
8th Prestwich Scouts, 22nd Prestwich Scout Hut, Bailey Street Bowling Green Association, Bury Greenwood Group, Bury Lions Club, Friends of Phillips Park, Friends of Warwick Street Green, Heaton Park Methodist Church, JAMH, Jewel, Jigsaw Bury, Langley Allotments Association, Manchester Maccabi, Mary Burns, PADOS, Philips Park Barn Management CIC, Prestwich Arts Festival, Prestwich Carnival, Prestwich cricket, tennis and bowling club, Prestwich Clough, Prestwich Clough Day, Prestwich Methodist Youth Association, Prestwich Pride, Prospect House school, Simister Village allotment association, St Marys Churchyard, St Marys Primary PTA, The Fed
Earlybird, Heaton Park tramway, Mama Amazing, Manchester Festival of Nature, Mcr & District Beekeepers, Rockfit, Woodland Mgmt group,
105th Mcr Scout group, 308th Mcr Scouts, Abraham Moss Community Football, Blackley Football Club, Bowker Vale Primary School, Cheetham Hill Juniors, Cheetham Hill sports club, Crumpsall and Cheetham Horticultural Society, Friends of Blackley Forest, Higher Blackley Community Organisation, Manchester Youth Zone, Rainbow Community Centre, Reel Mcr
Friends of Alkrington Woods, Rhodes play area
2022 Community Fund Allocation
46 groups received funding from the 2022 Parklife Community Fund allocation of £57,375
BURY: 30
8th Prestwich Scouts, Albert Avenue Allotments, C Teen Mcr, Friends of Barnfield Park, Friends of Gardner Mount, Friends of Prestwich Forest Park, JCFT, Jewel, Jigsaw, Langley Allotments, Maccabi, Phoenix Centre, Prestwich Arts Festival, Prestwich Carnival, Prestwich Clough Day, Prestwich Cricket, Tennis and Bowling Club, Prestwich Pride, St Mary’s churchyard action group, St Margaret’s Primary School, Warwick Street green, IEPAD, 22nd Prestwich Scouts, Highfield Rd allotments, Earlybird project, Prestwich rooted, Bailey St bowling, Mary Burns Bury New Rd project, Prestwich together, Simister village allotment, South Clough allotment
Mcr and District Beekeepers, Mcr Tramway museum, Heaton Hall, Mcr Festival of Nature, Woodland Mgmt group
Abraham Moss Community FC, Friends of Heristone Park, Mcr Youth Zone, Rainbow Surprise, Prospect House Specialist Support School, Friends of Blackley Forest, 105th Mcr South Group, Blackley Cricket Club, Mirfield Road Community Garden, Byrons
Rhodes Middleton New Play Park
2021 Community Fund Allocation
64 groups received funding from the 2021 Parklife Community Fund allocation of £81,750
BURY: 36
Friends of Philips Park, The Jewel Foundation, Jewish Action for Mental Health, PMYA – Youth Club, Prestwich Arts Festival, Langley Allotment Holders Association, South Clough Allotment Holders Association, Prestwich Carnival Committee, St Mary's Churchyard Action Group, Prestwich, Cricket, Tennis and Bowling Club, Seed Community Action, Cteen Manchester, PMYA - Resources Project, Prestwich Amateur Dramatic and Operatic Society, Bury Greenwood Project, Albert Avenue Allotment Association, Incredible Edible, Prestwich Allstars FC, Prestwich Circle, NCA Northwest CIC, OLOG Parent and Toddler Group, 8th Prestwich Scout Group, Yom Hashoah, Highfield Road Allotment, Creative Living Centre, Maccabi, Friendship Circle, Prestwich Community Cinema, Prestwich Together, Prestwich Street Kitchen, Manchester Area Home Educators, Earlybird Project, Highfield Road Allotment, Mary Burns, Bailey Street Bowling Association
Incredible Edible Heaton Park, Woodland Management Group, TLC St Lukes, Heaton Park Tramway, Manchester and District Bee Keepers, Friends of Heaton Hall, Manchester Festival of Nature, Manchester Area Home Educators
Blackley Football Club, French Barn Allotments, Manchester Youth Zone, Friends of Blackley Forest, 105thManchester Scout Group, 434 Manchester Scout Group, Crumpsall and Cheetham Horticultural Society, Crumpsall Community Allotment Group, Rainbow Surprise, Abraham Moss Warriors, Abraham Moss FC, Green Fingers, Manchester Pru, Cheetham Hill Sports, Heristone Park
Little Heaton Primary School, Rhodes Pre School, Popstars, Friends of Alkrington Woods, Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale Circle
2020 Community Fund Allocation
Unfortunately there was no fund in 2020 due to the event not taking place. In addition to financial support, Parklife has also established the Parklife Community Fund Network to explore ways in which community groups around Heaton Park can work together and support each other with their projects
2019 Community Fund Allocation
54 groups received funding from the 2019 Parklife Community Fund allocation of £58,000
Heaton Park Primary School, The Jewel Foundation, WHAG, St Mary's CE Primary, Maccabi, South Clough Allotment, Young Leaders, King David High School, Friends of Gardner Mount, Jigsaw, The Fed, Prestwich Shomrim Community, Bailey Street Bowling Association, Prestwich Cricket, Tennis, Bowling Club, Prestwich Clough Centenary, Albert Avenue Allotments, Seed Community Action, Simister Village Allotment Association, Prestwich Cinema, St Margaret's Church, Creative Living Centre, Simister Village Community Association, Prestwich Methodist Youth Association, Prestwich Arts Festival, Friends of Prestwich Forest Park, Prestwich Together, The Friendship Circle, Langley Allotment Holders Association, Prestwich Carnival, Philips Park Management CIC, Incredible Edibile Prestwich & District, Sedgley Park School
Manchester and District Beekeepers, Manchester Consortium of Nature, Heaton Park Tramway, Nest Theatre, Friends of Heaton Hall, Incredible Edible Community Garden, Incredible Edible Community Orchard
Friends of Heristone Park, Parkland and Cleveland RA, Abraham Moss Community School, Breakthrough, Abraham Moss Warriors, Close Neighbours RA, Irk Valley Community School, Friends of Blackley Forest, Mirfield Community Gardens, 105th Mcr Scout group, The Byrons, Blackley Cricket Club, Blackley Home Educators, Macmake Residents Association
Friends of Alkrington Woods
2018 Community Fund Allocation
30 groups received funding from the 2018 Parklife Community Fund allocation of £45,000
Baillie Street Bowls association, Beis Mordechai, Casicare, Clean Team Prestwich, Creative living Centre, Incredible Edible, Jigsaw, Manchester Maccabi Centre, Prestwich Arts Festival, Prestwich Clough Centenary, Prestwich Cricket Club, Prestwich Plodders, Prestwich Together-community picnic, Shomrim Prestwich Community Safety, South Clough allotments, The Fed - dementia garden, Yesoiday HaTorah School, Young leaders Lubavitch
Abraham Moss Warriors, Blackley Band, Breakthrough Youth Club, Crumpsall and Cheetham Horticultural Society, Friends of Blackley Forest, Friends of Heristone Park, Heaton Park Runners, Pocket Park Games, Rainbow Surprise, Shed 17, St Paul’s Church Hall, Tangled Dance
2017 Community Fund Allocation
For details for the 26 groups and organisations that received funding from the 2017 allocation of £44,000 please click HERE